Cross Connect Order

A cross connect is a point-to-point cable link between two customers in the same or different Equinix International Business Exchange™ (IBX®) data center. Cross connects can only be ordered by an Equinix Customer Portal user with Cross Connect & Intra-Facility Cables ordering permission.

See Integrate with Equinix Messaging Gateway for links on how to use the EMG Templates for ordering.

The following screenshots show sample message requests to create, update, and cancel Cross Connect in EMG.

Create Cross Connect

Sample Request:

"Task": {
    "Id": "2352c576-fab3-4856-a431-0a4b55a2babe",
    "Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
    "Verb": "Create",
    "Resource": "CrossConnect",
    "ContentType": "application/json",
    "Version": "1.0",
    "Body": {
        "Operation": "0000",
        "Attachments": [
                "Name": "samplepicture.jpeg",
                "Url": ""
        "Description": "Create CrossConnect Order",
        "RequestorId": "123456789",
        "SchedulingDetails": {
            "RequestedCompletionDate": ""
        "ConnectionDetails": [
                "ASide": {
                "MediaType": "SINGLE_MODE_FIBER",
                "PatchPanel": {
                    "Id": "PP:1234:123456",
                    "PortA": 43,
                    "PortB": -1
                "ProtocolType": "DARK_FIBER",
                "ConnectorType": "LC",
                "ConnectionService": "SINGLE_MODE_FIBER"
                "ZSide": {
                "IBX": "SG3",
                "ProviderName": "TestProvider",
                "LOAAttachment": {
                    "Name": "sampleloa.pdf"
"Signature": "RWNobwp7CiAgIklkIjogIjM1MGFlZjcwLTc4MWItMTFlOSogIH0KfQ=="

The description of the create request schema is as follows:

Name Mandatory Type Applicable Values Description
Task Yes Object The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order.
ID Yes String (Guid) The unique identifier of the message. Customers must ensure to send a unique value for each message.
Source Yes String (Guid) A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process.
Verb Yes String Create Indicates the action to be performed.
Resource Yes String CrossConnect Indicates the order type.
ContentType No String application/json
Version Yes String 1.0 The version of the request and response schema.
Body Yes Object An object containing the details of the order. The attributes within the object will vary based on the resource and verb.
Signature Yes String Base64 encoded signature.
RequestorId Conditional String The customer's reference number for this Cross Connect request. This attribute is only mandatory if RequestorIdUnique is true.
RequestorIdUnique No Boolean true
Request that Customer reference should not be referenced in any other ticket.
If customer reference found, this operation will fail with "Bad Request", 400
This field cannot be NULL
Operation Yes String 0000 Operation category. Currently only operation code 0000 is supported for Standard CrossConnect
CustomerContact Yes String The username or email address of the user registered with Equinix Customer Portal.
Description Yes String A detailed description of the scope of work.
This field can only be up to 3800 characters long.
Attachments No Array [{ String, String }]

Includes all attachments for supporting this request.
Expected Value: [{"Name":<Attachment_Name>, "Url":<Attachment_URL>}]

5 files with 5MB size each

Supported filetypes: .bmp,.jpeg,.jpg,.gif,.png,.tif,.txt,.doc,.docx,.xls,.tiff,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx,.pdf,.vsd,.pps,.ppsx.
SchedulingDetails No Object Refer to the SchedulingDetails schema
Based on Scheduling Details, Equinix will determine Scheduling Type - Standard or Expedite
ConnectionDetails Yes Array[object,object,object] Refer to ASide, ZSide, & ServiceDetails schema
ASide &ZSide objects are MANDATORY, ServiceDetails are OPTIONAL
Dependant on Operation Code
AdditionalContacts No Array[object] Refer to AdditionalContacts schema
Can be used to overide details of TECHNICAL CONTACT sent as part of "Contacts" attribute. You can send details of both registered and non-registered contacts with Equinix Customer Portal

SchedulingDetails schema:

Name Mandatory Type Applicable Values Description
RequestedCompletionDate Conditional String (ISO Date) Mandatory if Customer is raising a ticket for a date/time within 2-24 hours
Customer should always provide Equinix site local time
All timezone to be in UTC timezone with ISO format

AdditionalContacts schema:

Name Mandatory Type Applicable Values Description
ContactType Yes String TECHNICAL Type of Contact. Expected value : TECHNIICAL
FirstName Yes String First Name of the Contact
Supported Regex: ^[\s.]([^\s.][\s.]){0,100}$
LastName Yes String Last Name of the Contact
Supported Regex: ^[\s.]([^\s.][\s.]){0,100}$
Email Yes String Valid email address of the contact. Should be <=100 characters
Supported Regex: ^(([^<>()\[\]\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$
WorkPhoneCountryCode Yes String Country Code of Primary Phone of the contact. Should be within [1…6] characters
Supported Regex: ^+[0-9]{1,6}$
WorkPhone Yes String Primary Phone of the contact. Should be within [1…40] characters
Supported Regex: ^[0-9\.\-() ]{2,40}(?:(x|ext)[0-9\.\-() ]{1,10})?$
WorkPhonePrefToCall No String NEVER
Defauted to 'ANYTIME'
WorkPhoneTimeZone Conditional String Mandatory if WorkPhonePrefToCall = 'MY_BUSINESS_HOURS'
Expected values are "Atlantic/Canary" "Europe/Dublin" "Europe/London" "Europe/Lisbon" "Africa/Algiers" "Europe/Berlin" "Europe/Amsterdam" "Europe/Copenhagen" "Europe/Madrid" "Europe/Paris" "Europe/Stockholm" "Europe/Zurich" "Europe/Warsaw" "Africa/Cairo" "Africa/Johannesburg" "Europe/Sofia" "Africa/Nairobi" "Asia/Jerusalem" "Europe/Istanbul" "Europe/Moscow" "Asia/Riyadh" "Asia/Dubai" "Asia/Kabul" "Asia/Tehran" "Asia/Karachi" "Indian/Maldives" "Asia/Kolkata" "Asia/Kathmandu" "Asia/Omsk" "Asia/Rangoon" "Asia/Jakarta" "Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh" "Asia/Brunei" "Asia/Hong_Kong" "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur" "Asia/Manila" "Asia/Shanghai" "Asia/Singapore" "Asia/Taipei" "Australia/Perth" "Asia/Seoul" "Asia/Tokyo" "Australia/Darwin" "Australia/Brisbane" "Pacific/Guam" "Australia/Adelaide" "Australia/Sydney" "Pacific/Auckland" "Pacific/Chatham" "Indian/Christmas" "America/Scoresbysund" "Atlantic/South_Georgia" "America/Sao_Paulo" "America/Detroit" "America/New_York" "America/Puerto_Rico" "America/Toronto" "America/Bogota" "America/Chicago" "America/Winnipeg" "America/Denver" "America/Edmonton" "America/Mexico_City" "America/Los_Angeles" "America/Vancouver" "America/Phoenix" "America/Anchorage" "Pacific/Gambier" "Pacific/Marquesas" "Pacific/Honolulu" "Pacific/Fiji" "Asia/Muscat" "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires" "America/Caracas" "Etc/GMT+12" "UTC" "GMT" "America/Santiago" "America/St_Johns" "Asia/Almaty" "Asia/Bankgkok" "Asia/Calcutta" "Asia/Magadan" "Asia/Yekaterinburg" "Australia/Eucla" "Australia/Lord_Howe" "Europe/Bratislava" "Europe/Brussels" "Europe/Prague" "Europe/Rome" "Pacific/Kiritimati" "Pacific/Midway" "Pacific/Tongatapu"
MobilePhoneCountryCode Yes String Country Code of Mobile Phone of the contact. Should be within [1…6] characters
Supported Regex: ^+[0-9]{1,6}$
MobilePhone Yes String Mobile Phone of the contact. Should be within [1…40] characters
Supported Regex: ^[0-9.-() ]{2,40}(?:(x
MobilePhonePrefToCall No String NEVER
Defauted to 'ANYTIME'
MobilePhoneTimeZone Conditional String Mandatory if MobilePhonePrefToCall = 'MY_BUSINESS_HOURS'
Please refer to 'WorkPhoneTimeZone' for expected values

ConnectionDetails - ASide schema:

Name Mandatory Type Applicable Values Description
ConnectionService Yes String COAX
Name of the available connection service
MediaType Yes String COAX
Name of media type.
ProtocolType Yes String ANTENNA
Name of protocol type.
ConnectorType Yes Mandatory BNC
Name of connector type
PatchPanel Conditional Obect Id of the PacthPanel Installed in your Cage/Cabinet
MediaConverterRequired No Boolean When false, Equinix will not proceed with cross connect installation that requires media conversion
IfcCircuitCount No Number Expected Values: 1 to 10
PatchEquipment No Object This request will enable Equinix to install the cross connect from demarcation panel to your equipment.
It is chargeable service
Object { "Cabinet": "string", "ConnectorType": "string", "Details": "string", "Port": "number" }

ConnectionDetails - ZSide schema:

Name Mandatory Type Applicable Values Description
ConnectorType Conditional String BNC
Name of connector type.
Required ONLY if LOA Document is not provided
PatchPanel Conditional Obect Optional if ZSide is a new provider
Id of the PacthPanel Installed in your Cage/Cabinet
CircuitId No String Customer or Carrier Circuit ID Cable Reference Number for verification purposes.
LOAAttachment Conditional Array[string,string] [{"Name":<Attachment_Name>, "Url":<Attachment_URL>}]
[{"Name":<Attachment_Name>, "Id":<Attachment_Id>}]
[{"Name":<Attachment_Name>, "Data":<Base64_Encoded_File_Bye_Array>]
Letter of Authorization (LOA)
Required ONLY if ZSide is a new provider
The attachment cannot be more than 5MB size
URL - URL to download the attachment
Id - Attachment Id returned by Equinix Attachment API (
Supported filetypes: .bmp,.jpeg,.jpg,.gif,.png,.tif,.txt,.doc,.docx,.xls,.tiff,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx,.pdf,.vsd,.pps,.ppsx
IBX Conditional String Equinix DataCenter location code
Required ONLY if ZSide is a new provider
ProviderName Conditional String Account name of the Service Provider
Required ONLY if ZSide is a new provider
NotificationEmail No String Email id of the contact to be notified when cross connect is complete

ConnectionDetails - ServiceDetails schema:

Name Mandatory Type Applicable Values Description
DiverseConnections No Object
Diversified cross connect or redundant cross connect for the availability.
If it is existing connection, Cross Connect serial number and type is mandatory.
Expected Values for Type: "NEW" "EXISTING", Default Value: "EXISTING"
If its a new redundant connection, A-Side and Z-Side is mandatory.
Refer to Aside & Zside sections for details of ASide & ZSide Object details
Object { "Type": "string", "SerialNumber": "string", "ASide": "Object", "ZSide": "Object" }
VerifyLink No Boolean When true, light link verification is carried out.
This may incur fixed fee based on your contract pricing.
CircuitDeliveryDate No String (ISO Date) Carrier Circuit Delivery Date
SubmarineEngineerRequired No Boolean Set to true if submarine cable station engineer is required.
Default : false

Sample Response:

    "Task": {"Id": "93667271-6ecc-4e9f-af20-e478f3bc1eba", "Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003", "Verb": "Ack", "Resource": "CrossConnect", "ContentType": "application/json", "CreateTimeUTC": "2022-08-16T02:58:30.616Z", "Version": "1.0", "Body": {"Object": null, "ServicerId": "1-211433653662", "StatusCode": 202, "Description": "Equinix CrossConnect: 1-211433653662 Was Created", "RequestorId": null},  "OriginationId": "43e30aa2-bc03-405e-b6d9-6af87bd49137", "OriginationVerb": "Create"},
    "Signature": "Jm2BpG/5ll6s3v0w3WWMULkRXsIEPog1e5AuYWT/kF3qW+hhNAFDZGCJ5lNmUT4Y3jUFid/3yb3diXK+Tr0hm7zwGLMDyi/mRwlc7LxYKRtbhHgHxWviQgTsLrreKlLuOJHbl81bCLxK2UEPrfRXuAOUbMyOT2mzBhidiCFg=="

The description of the update response schema is as follows:

Name Type Description
Task Object The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order.
ID String (Guid) The unique identifier of the message. Customers must ensure to send a unique value for each message.
Source String (Guid) A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process.
Verb String Indicates the action to be performed. The verb for response messages is "Ack".
Resource String Indicates the order type.
ContentType String
CreateTimeUTC Indicates the date and time at which the Cross Connect order was created at Equinix's end.
Version String The version of the request and response schema.
Body Object An object containing the details of the order. The attributes within the object will vary based on the resource and verb.
RequestorId String The customer's reference number for this CrossConnect request.
ServicerId String Indicates the Cross Connect ID generated by Equinix after the order was submitted.
StatusCode String The HTTP status code of the request.
Description String

Additional details of the order created.

Ex: "Equinix CrossConnect: 1-199912345789 was created"
Signature String Base64 encoded signature.

Update Cross Connect

Sample Request:

    "Task": {
        "Id": "2352c576-fab3-4856-a431-0a4b55a2babe",
        "Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
        "Verb": "Update",
        "Resource": "CrossConnect",
        "ContentType": "application/json",
        "Version": "1.0",
        "Body": {
            "RequestorId": null,
            "ServicerId": "1-199912345789",
            "AppliesToAllCrossConnects": false,
            "CrossConnectIds": [
                    "PatchPanelId": "PP:1234:123456",
                    "SerialNumber": "12345678"
            "Attachments": [
                    "Name": "samplepicture.jpeg",
                    "Url": ""
            "Description": "Update CrossConnect Order",
    "Signature": "RWNobwp7CiAgIklkIjogIjM1MGFlZjcwLTc4MWItMTFlOSogIH0KfQ=="

The description of the update request schema is as follows:

Name Mandatory Type Applicable Values Description
Task Yes Object The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order.
ID Yes String (Guid) The unique identifier of the message. Customers must ensure to send a unique value for each message.
Source Yes String (Guid) A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process.
Verb Yes String Update Indicates the action to be performed.
Resource Yes String CrossConnect Indicates the order type.
ContentType No String application/json
Version Yes String 1.0 The version of the request and response schema.
Body Yes Object An object containing the details of the order. The attributes within the object will vary based on the resource and verb.
Signature Yes String Base64 encoded signature.
RequestorId Conditional String The customer's reference number for this Cross Connect request. This attribute is only mandatory if RequestorIdUnique is true.
ServicerId Conditional String Indicates the Cross Connect order ID generated by Equinix after the order was submitted.
AppliesToAllCrossConnects No Boolean If true
- For single Cross Connect order activity will get updated.
- For Multi Cross Connect order all activities will get updated
If false
- CrossConnectIds with valid SerialNumber is mandatory.
CrossConnectIds Conditional array[{ String, String }] Key value pair of PatchPanelIds,SerialNumbers
Restricted to only one object at a time
Refer to PatchPanelId and SerialNumber below.
Mandatory - If AppliesToAllCrossConnects is not provided or provided with value as false
Attachments No Array [{ String, String }]

Includes all attachments for supporting this request.
Expected Value: [{"Name":<Attachment_Name>, "Url":<Attachment_URL>}]

5 files with 5MB size each

Supported filetypes: .bmp,.jpeg,.jpg,.gif,.png,.tif,.txt,.doc,.docx,.xls,.tiff,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx,.pdf,.vsd,.pps,.ppsx.
Description Yes String A detailed description of the scope of work.
This field can only be up to 3800 characters long.
PatchPanelId No String PatchPanelIds of Asset which needs to be Updated.
SerialNumber Yes String SerialNumbers of Asset which needs to be Updated.

Sample Response:

    "Task": {"Id": "93667271-6ecc-4e9f-af20-e478f3bc1eba", "Body": {"Object": null, "ServicerId": "1-211433653662", "StatusCode": 202, "Description": "Equinix CrossConnect: 1-211433653662 Was Updated", "RequestorId": null}, "Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003", "Verb": "Ack", "Resource": "CrossConnect", "ContentType": "application/json", "CreateTimeUTC": "2022-08-16T02:58:30.616Z", "Version": "1.0", "OriginationId": "43e30aa2-bc03-405e-b6d9-6af87bd49137", "OriginationVerb": "Update"},
    "Signature": "Jm2BpG/5ll6s3v0w3WWMULkRXsIEPog1e5AuYWT/kF3qW+hhNAFDZGCJ5lNmUT4Y3jUFid/3yb3diXK+Tr0hm7zwGLMDyi/mRwlc7LxYKRtbhHgHxWviQgTsLrreKlLuOJHbl81bCLxK2UEPrfRXuAOUbMyOT2mzBhidiCFg=="

The description of the update response schema is as follows:

Name Type Description
Task Object The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order.
ID String (Guid) The unique identifier of the message. Customers must ensure to send a unique value for each message.
Source String (Guid) A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process.
Verb String Indicates the action to be performed. The verb for response messages is "Ack".
Resource String Indicates the order type.
ContentType String
CreateTimeUTC Indicates the date and time at which the Cross Connect order was updated at Equinix's end.
Version String The version of the request and response schema.
Body Object An object containing the details of the order. The attributes within the object will vary based on the resource and verb.
RequestorId String The customer's reference number for this CrossConnect request.
ServicerId String Indicates the Cross Connect ID generated by Equinix after the order was submitted.
StatusCode String The HTTP status code of the request.
Description String

Additional details of the order updated.

Ex: "Equinix CrossConnect: 1-199912345789 was updated"
Signature String Base64 encoded signature.

Cancel Cross Connect

Sample Request:

    "Task": {
        "Id": "740c7818-9fe7-4f33-8a44-5698081bf2c2",
        "Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
        "Verb": "Update",
        "Resource": "CrossConnect",
        "ContentType": "application/json",
        "Version": "1.0",
        "Body": {
            "RequestorId": null,
            "ServicerId": "1-208273164070",
            "State": "Cancelled",
            "AppliesToAllCrossConnects": false
            "CrossConnectIds": [
                    "PatchPanelId": "PP:0206:197904",
                    "SerialNumber": "21896638"
            "Attachments": [],
            "Description": "Cancel CrossConnect Order",
    "Signature": "RWNobwp7CiAgIklkIjogIjM1MGFlZjcwLTc4MWItMTFlOSogIH0KfQ=="

The description of the cancel request schema is as follows:

Name Mandatory Type Applicable Values Description
Task Yes Object The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order.
ID Yes String (Guid) The unique identifier of the message. Customers must ensure to send a unique value for each message.
Source Yes String (Guid) A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process.
Verb Yes String Update Indicates the action to be performed.
Resource Yes String CrossConnect Indicates the order type.
ContentType No String application/json
Version Yes String 1.0 The version of the request and response schema.
Body Yes Object An object containing the details of the order. The attributes within the object will vary based on the resource and verb.
Signature Yes String Base64 encoded signature.
RequestorId Conditional String The customer's reference number for this Cross Connect request. This attribute is only mandatory if RequestorIdUnique is true.
ServicerId Conditional String Indicates the Cross Connect order ID generated by Equinix after the order was submitted.
State Yes String Cancelled State as Cancelled
AppliesToAllCrossConnects No Boolean If true
- For single Cross Connect order activity will get updated.
- For Multi Cross Connect order all activities will get updated
If false
- CrossConnectIds with valid SerialNumber is mandatory.
CrossConnectIds Conditional array[{ String, String }] Key value pair of PatchPanelIds,SerialNumbers
Single or Multi Cross Connect Key value can be provided.
Refer to PatchPanelId and SerialNumber below.
Mandatory - If AppliesToAllCrossConnects is not provided or provided with value as false
Attachments No Array [{ String, String }]

Includes all attachments for supporting this request.
Expected Value: [{"Name":<Attachment_Name>, "Url":<Attachment_URL>}]

5 files with 5MB size each

Supported filetypes: .bmp,.jpeg,.jpg,.gif,.png,.tif,.txt,.doc,.docx,.xls,.tiff,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx,.pdf,.vsd,.pps,.ppsx.
Description Yes String A detailed description of the scope of work.
This field can only be up to 3800 characters long.
PatchPanelId No String PatchPanelIds of Asset which needs to be Updated.
SerialNumber Yes String SerialNumbers of Asset which needs to be Updated.

Sample Response:

    "Task": {"Id": "ba94938e-d585-4910-9e55-e89818fac002", "Body": {"Object": null, "ServicerId": "1-208273164070", "StatusCode": 202, "Description": "Equinix CrossConnect: 1-208273164070 Was Cancelled", "RequestorId": null}, "Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003", "Verb": "Ack", "Resource": "CrossConnect", "ContentType": "application/json", "CreateTimeUTC": "2022-08-22T06:29:03.176Z", "Version": "1.0", "OriginationId": "32ade45d-551d-4fd8-91db-12929436ef2d", "OriginationVerb": "Update"},
    "Signature": "Jm2BpG/5ll6s3v0w3WWMULkRXsIEPog1e5AuYWT/kF3qW+hhNAFDZGCJ5lNmUT4Y3jUFid/3yb3diXK+Tr0hm7zwGLMDyi/mRwlc7LxYKRtbhHgHxWviQgTsLrreKlLuOJHbl81bCLxK2UEPrfRXuAOUbMyOT2mzBhidiCFg=="

The description of the cancel response schema is as follows:

Name Type Description
Task Object The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order.
ID String (Guid) The unique identifier of the message. Customers must ensure to send a unique value for each message.
Source String (Guid) A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process.
Verb String Indicates the action to be performed. The verb for response messages is "Ack".
Resource String Indicates the order type.
ContentType String
CreateTimeUTC Indicates the date and time at which the CrossConnect order was cancelled at Equinix's end.
Version String The version of the request and response schema.
OriginationId String (Guid) The ID of the origination message, the value will be Null for an initial message.
OriginationVerb String The action to be performed by Equinix, the value will be Null for an initial message.
Body Object An object containing the details of the order. The attributes within the object will vary based on the resource and verb.
RequestorId String The customer's reference number for this Cross Connect order.
ServicerId String Indicates the CrossConnect order ID created after the order was submitted.
StatusCode String The HTTP status code of the request.
Description String

Additional details of the order cancelled.

Ex: "Equinix CrossConnect: 1-199912345789 Was Cancelled"
Signature String Base64 encoded signature.

Sample Outgoing Notification

For more information, refer to Order Notifications - Cross Connect.

"Task": {
    "Id": "4f6ec8d0-902f-4892-aa31-8bfed1edc075",
    "Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
    "Verb": "Update",
    "Resource": "CrossConnect",
    "ContentType": "application/json",
    "CreationTimeUTC": "2020-05-21T02:08:11.471Z",
    "Version": "1.0",
    "Body": {
    "RequestorId": "123456789",
    "ServicerId": "1-199912345789",
    "State": “InProgress",
    "Description": "Ticket 1-199912345789 has been updated to InProgress state"
"Signature": "RWNobwp7CiAgIklkIjogIjM1MGFlZjcwLTc4MWIt9keSI6IHsKICAZXVlIgogIH0KfQ=="

The description of the outgoing message is as follows:

Name Type Description
Task Object The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order.
ID String (Guid) The unique identifier of the message. Equinix will send a unique value for each message.
Source String (Guid) A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process.
Verb String The verb for outgoing messages is "Update". Indicates it is an update from Equinix on the submitted order.
Resource String Indicates the order type. For CrossConnect orders, the supported value is: CrossConnect
ContentType String Supported Value : application/json
CreateTimeUTC String Indicates the date and time at which the order was created at Equinix's end.
Version String The version of the request and response schema.
Body Object An object containing the details of the notification.
RequestorId String The customer's reference number for this CrossConnect order.
ServicerId String Id supplied by Equinix for the created Cross Connect Ticket
StatusCode No String
State String

The current state of the submitted order.

Supported values:

Open - Customer order has been successfully submitted into Equinix IT systems.

InProgress - Customer order is being worked on by Equinix Datacenter Technician.

Closed - Customer order has been successfully completed by Equinix Datacenter Technician.

Cancelled - Customer order has been cancelled in Equinix IT systems based on customer request.

Pending Customer Input - Equinix Datacenter Technician has requested for additional information while working on customer order.

Activity No String
Description String

Additional details of the order created

Ex: "Ticket 1-199912345789 has been updated to InProgress state."
Attachments Array [{ String, String }]

Includes all attachments for this request.

Supported Value: [{"Name":<Attachment_Name>, "Url":<Attachment_URL>}]

5 files with 5MB size each

Supported filetypes: .bmp,.jpeg,.jpg,.gif,.png,.tif,.txt,.doc,.docx,.xls,.tiff,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx,.pdf,.vsd,.pps,.ppsx
Signature String Base64 encoded signature.